Bunkai bunkai everywhere... starting a dialogue

I don't plan to post many videos here. But, I figure this is a good place to start.

I like Youtube, but there are too many armchair martial artists and tough guys that feel the need to comment on things they do not understand or know nothing about.

So, I toss the gauntlet of discourse to my readers here.

Comment here, comment on FB, where the videos will be posted in the future. But, either way, please, let's start a dialogue on an aspect of training that often goes unexplored.

I will be (hopefully) starting my MA soon; while bunkai would seem to be a weird thing to explore for an artsy fartsy degree, it fits into the notion of cultural anthro quite nicely. And it fits into one of my many areas of passion it Okinawan karate.

If we do not explore meaning and application of kata and technique, we are merely aping movements. And for what? Because...? Not really much of an answer, regardless of what comes after it. Nor is to perfect our technique. That may be one angle, but it is not the be-all, end-all. And if we are doing it to make the techniques look pretty and powerful for tournaments and demonstrations, well then folks, abandon ship - our art is taking on water and we're sinking into an abyss.

So, folks, for your discussion and comments, I give you the first of (hopefully) many videos to come... in the hopes that they will provoke discussion.


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